Friday, December 27, 2013

Music and Changelogs- 12/27/2013

For those of you following (<3 my viewers from around the globe!), I got the changelog up. If you're curious about the little stuff, that's the place to go and take a look since it'll feature most everything.

Big things this time around?


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Update 12/25/2013

I don't celebrate it myself, but Merry Christmas, folks!

I wish I had something I could release to ya'll, but unfortunately creativity has its limits and there are time constraints.

I need to get that changelog page in, I know I promised it, I'm working on it.

I've completed about ~7 pages worth of notes towards basic plot before working out scenarios and everything, so we'll see where that goes. Gathered a ton of sprites for use as well! I also got done three areas that'll be key to the early-on plot and began work on the overland.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Work has officially stagnated! (Progress Report 12/15/2013)

Some of you may be saying "wait, Grape! You must have gotten a bunch of work done since you haven't posted in so long!"

Actually I doubt anyone is lol. But yeah... Work is stagnating. Most of my work has been behind the scenes fleshing out plot, characters, and retconning.

Yeah... One of the best parts about not releasing anything until you're good and ready is you don't have to worry about retconning something. Giant plotline as a child that'd take a month to put in? Pft! Screw that! Turning loving childhood memory into a series of flashbacks that kick up at the worst moments? Sounds like a plan! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Work has officially begun! (Progress Report 11/25/2013)

Work is going to be slow on this, but I managed to get a better feel for RPG Maker Ace, and got these areas finished today.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


So... Planning to try and use RPGMaker Ace. I like the interface, it's just a pain to learn how to use in comparison.

Below is the main Character for the new game, her name is Freya.