Before I even get questions, I have a feeling these will be asked.

Q: Help! the game won't run!

A: Make sure you have the RTP installed. Get back to me here if it's not working.

Q: What about Jenallia's Wrath?

A: I explained that in the LoK forums. It's complicated because I like it but don't like it at the same time. Do not expect any updates to JW unless it's a spontaneous thing out of nowhere (Hint: Chances of that happening are slime to none)

Q: What's this game about

A: D&D and shit, dawg.

Q: No seriously, what's it about!?

A: D&D and shit! Check the "background" tab if that ain't a good enough answer!

Q: Can I help with X?

A: No! (Give me a PM if you want to help with something. Keep in mind the answer still might be no depending on what it is you want to help with).

Q: X is wrong, X needs to be fixed, X feels out of place!

A: Thank you for informing me! I will do what I can to fix X. If X is fine, I will inform you and we can discuss this politely.

Q: Why isn't there more sex!? This was posted on a sex site, I want to fap!!! What the fuck is wrong with you for posting a game on a sex site when there's barely any sex in it!?!?!?

A: Deal with it. This game follows the philosophy that we're all adults who want to enjoy ourselves. To this end, sex is a story tool like any other, not something to hand out graciously for sexual release. Sorry to be an ass, but there's plenty of places to fap/games to fap to. When the game is complete, at least to a point where I consider it a success, then I'll consider the idea of adding in tons of gratuitous sex for your viewing pleasure.

Q: Help! I'm not supposed to have porn on my laptop and X is going to find out omgwtfbbq what do I do!?!?!?

A: Alright, so the first thing you do is delete system 32... Then come PM me with the results and I'll give you a heads up on how to get rid of it. (If you're asking this question, you're probably too young to be playing games with sexual content.)

Q: Any updates Grape?

A: Nope lol. ... I appreciate folks checking up on me, but you'll know if there's updates or not by the frequency of my posts, as I try to get an update out every time I do something moderate to major. Sometimes it's mmild and I update post anyways.

Q: My question wasn't listed.

A: Post it below

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